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Willing To Help Foundation believes that until and unless members of the civil society are involved actively in the process of change and development, nothing can happen

Give Donation

As per the Indian Income Tax Authority Rule, a donor is required to add PAN number in case the donor wishes to receive the 80G certificate.

Empowering the Rural Poor

One in five people in developing countries live on less than US$1.9 a day, and most live in rural areas. They depend directly on small-scale farming, forest resources, livestock and fishing for their subsistence.

Our Campaign


Service of oppressed humanity is service of the almighty Willing To Help is an NGO in India based in Tanuku (Andhra Pradesh). We started in the year 2015, we have worked extensively from the year 2015 and we providing proper Physical, Social, and Economic Rehabilitation to the needy as well as other social welfare organizations.

We are an organisation that helps the differently able individuals, surgeries realize their hopes, dreams, and ambitions and help those who need just a little extra support. So far, Willing To Help and its tireless team with the noble reverences have helped many individuals free of cost corrective surgeries and we don’t intend to stop. Apart from corrective surgeries, we arrange blood for pregnecy cases, surgeries, etc.

Our aim is to create an inclusive society, where people are accepted into the mainstream economy and social life. We believe that every single person is special and talented and is just looking for a chance to excel.

How Can You Help?

Donate your time
Many charitable organizations survive through the efforts of volunteers. Volunteering is a worthy way to contribute to your community and can be just as valuable as cash donations.
“Donate your time, “Homeless shelters, soup kitchens, senior centers, hospice facilities, big brother/big sister programs, and animal rescues all need people to help out by being physically present and volunteering their time.”

Help Us

Our Causes

Food Donation

Together we can end hunger forever
One Meal Rs 70/-
Hunger is still one the biggest – and most solvable – problems in the world. We have already made incredible progress.

Organizing A Blood Camp

One Camp Rs 8000/-
The outdoor camps in India are organized in places faraway from blood banks, so a checklist of blood collection equipment and instruments should be maintained and carefully checked before the departure of the vehicle from the blood bank. Any omission to carry even a small item may frustrate the noble effort of the organizers and the donors

General Fund

General Fund is created and maintained by our NGO to cover general expenses not specific to a project/cause/need. This helps cover expenses vital to the running of the organisation. Expenses such as administrative expenses, various overheads are paid from the General Fund. Most NGOs maintain a General Fund to help them meet the donation gap created when donors donate only to a specific project/cause/need or any unexpected expense which may arise during the course of running the organisation.

Corpus Fund

Corpus Fund is considered to be the capital of the organisation. The Fund is generated and kept by us for the sustenance and existence of the organisation. The Corpus Fund is of paramount importance to the organisation as it helps us during the times of distress. Only the interest/dividend earned from it is accumulated or utilized for general purposes. It is required for the smooth sustenance of the organisation. We are currently trying to build a Corpus Fund of 12 months’ of expenditure of the organisation thereby ensuring a smooth sustenance. It will help reduce financial vulnerability and thereby help us achieve our goals.

Make Donation

We Collect Fund Around the India



