- To promote and organize social welfare events, camps related to Blood, Plasma, Platelets
Donation and Blood banks. - To encourage and organize events related to water safety, Food donation etc.
- To work towards elimination of practice of Child Labour and to take appropriate steps for their rehabilitation.
- To make efforts for the Empowerment and overall development of the Society.
- To promote and organize events for Support Newly formed Societies & Trusts & Unregistered groups with respective to their objectives.
- To promote and organize public awareness camps, related to Liver transplantation, Heart operations and other diseases and to promote and organize social welfare events work for Public Health and Family Welfare , to promote blood donations and organize camps for the same by fundraising etc.
- To organize self-employment awareness events for women to uplift the status of women in the society and educate unemployed people. To organize and promote the educational awareness events for encouraging education for children women, and adults. To organize and encourage social events for motivating youths to work in correct direction and empower women towards enterprising activities which will improve their standard of living both economically and socially and to contribute towards employment generation.
- To bring together people and organization to promote the practice of global citizenship and build a value -based sustainable world community and to promote Environmental Protection programs. To organize seminars to honor people those contributing towards the environment protection.